Light Body Healing
The Alexander method®️ of Vibrational sound & energy Therapy
I am certified in the Alexander Method®️ of sound and energy therapy. This method is rooted where current science (quantum physics) meets Spirit. Based on the solfeggio frequencies, the tuning forks help both clear energetic blocks as well as raise the vibrations of your chakras and repair your biofield. Multiple scientific studies have found sound therapy to be deeply restorative and relaxing, effectively resetting the fight, flight, or freeze response (the parasympathetic nervous system) that gets chronically triggered and charges our bodies with stress hormones that create inflammation and disease. At the end of this treatment, you will feel deeply relaxed and restored.
This session can be completed remotely (best with headphones) and takes about 90 minutes. You should come well hydrated and be in comfortable clothes, ready to restore.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
Shamanism Background
Shamanism is the oldest form of spirituality on the Earth. It is 85,000 years old. It is a practice of connecting with nature and experiencing the direct revelation of Spirit, also called mysticism. I have trained in the tradition of the Light Body School of Shamanic Energy Medicine with the Four Winds Society and the teachings of Alberto Villoldo, who trained in the lineage of the Inca through the Laika of the Q’ero people of the Andes and the shamans of the Amazon. In this tradition, shamanic practitioners are Earthkeepers, honoring and caring for Mother Earth, Pachamama, and all of her children.
Shamans are called “wounded healers” because they experience compassion for all of life through their own suffering and healing, opening them to compassion for the suffering of others. Each practitioner has unique medicine from their own path of healing.
“Healing results from an experience of infinity. While healing, we measure success by increased well-being, by a sense of new found peace, empowerment, and a feeling of communion with all life. ”
Energy mediCine
With Shamanic energy medicine, we can focus on healing a particular emotional wound, remove familial patterns, cut energetic cords with people from the past, or journey to track your highest destiny. This requires you to be an active, intentional player in your healing process, where you will have homework to follow up on and integrate session work. These sessions take about 60 minutes and can be done remotely. You should be well hydrated and comfortable. Headphones are often helpful.
I recommend bringing an issue that you would like cleared, emotionally and/or physically, and be ready to take ownership for your path of healing. This may require physical changes to your lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise. From there, we will assess the energetic imprint, or samskara, causing the block or suffering.
The healing process can sometimes be better facilitated through multiple sessions to prepare and/or repair one’s light body before doing deeper work. This may first involve an illumination, then energetic cord cutting, extractions, and/or finally a soul retrieval. I may assist the process through the use of sound therapy to facilitate raising vibrations and clearing energetic blocks.
We will also work on a gratitude practice through meditation, journaling, reconnection with nature, a mandala, or a Despacho ceremony. It is also important to intentionally invite in joy and to count and appreciate our blessings, and it is also healing.
Seminars & Workshops will touch on the physical, emotional, relational, soul-level, and spiritual-level of our well-being and healing. These experiences foster getting in touch with and recognizing your Divine Creator within. I will include short lectures, guided journeying, ceremony, and energy medicine focused around a particular topic or theme. Each experience will assist in personal healing and growth that helps us to recognize ourselves as the Divine Creators we were born to be.
The Rite of the Womb - Seminar for transmitting 13th Rite of Munay Ki, The Rite of the Womb, where we perform healing of the womb and healing of our inner Divine Feminine. (see
“We are here not only to grow corn, but to grow gods. ”